5 out of 5 stars
By Lars Muhl on 23 July 2013
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase Since I can remember Thomas a Kempis' spiritual
masterpiece "The Imitations of Christ" have followed me everywhere. Being a very radical read, it might take some time to learn to read between the lines, and behind the words. Therefor this
interpretation is very welcome and adds to the genius of Thomas timeless work. Thank you Chidakarananda and Sister Jayanti.
Lars Muhl (author of "The O Manuscript" and "The Law of Light")
5 out of 5 stars
By Debbie on 10 May 2013
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
For those who are seeking a deeper meaning to life I think this book is a must. I have always loved the Imitation of Christ and I think the Swami and Sister Jayanti breathe a new life into it
that is so right for the 21st century. The book is timeless, it always has been and the interpretations or meditations make it accessible to all no matter what religion or background. Its
universal and whether you believe in God or not, here is a way to live life to the maximum in love and service to others instead of just to ourselves.
4 out of 5 stars
By Neil Parker on 10 July 2015
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
I like it. A good broad minded interpretation looking at the essence of the teachings from a Vedantic perspective. A good book to help personal growth - spiritual, ethical and moral.